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The Aftermath Of Dramagedon. What Happened After?

Unless you lived under a rock or somehow managed to dodge the social media storm that was "dramagedon" you more than likely already know the backstory but in case you don't, here is a quick breakdown. Four famous beauty guru's decided they would post a shady picture attacking Jeffree Star. Jeffree's stan's didn't take too kindly too this and retaliated by digging up the shady and cruel pasts of the influencers in the photo.

Fast forward nearly two months from the disaster and we can take a look at just how damaging potentially the largest and most known beauty guru scandal ever, was.

Manny Mua:

Prior to dramagedon MannyMUA was getting roughly 13 million views and 194,000 subscribers every 30 days. He averaged 6,400 subscribers with 466,000 views daily, a very successful channel.

Post dramagedon his numbers dropped dramatically. He now receives a little over 6 million views every 30 days and his subscribers dropped to losing 70,000 in the last 30 days. Thats a 400% loss of subscriber gain and 50% loss in views. Manny's social blade stats show he is yet to recover from dramagedon as he is still haemorrhaging views and subscribers daily. Is this the end of MannyMUA?

Laura Lee:

Prior to dramagedon Laura Lee had a consistently growing channel with a loyal audience who kept by her even through her previous (much smaller) scandals. Prior to dramagedon she was getting roughly the same as manny. Getting 13 million views and 117,000 subscribers every 30 days.

Post dramagedon Laura fared a little better. Unlike Manny, she's had days where she has actually managed to gain subscribers but overall she too is on the decline. Laura has received 8 million views and lost 38,000 subscribers in the last 30 days. Her channel too shows no signs of recovering just yet. Will it ever recover?

Why do I believe these channels are still dying?
I honestly believe dramagedon was a catalyst for large swaths of people to discover new content creators since which they've found no reason to revert back. Why go for someone who has a history of being problematic and producing lack lustre content when you've found someone new who better fits your wants from YouTube? 


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