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Removing A Full Face Of Makeup With Just Three Products.

Hi guys, today im going to show you my way of removing heavy makeup with just three products to completely clean your skin back to its naked state. Heavy, full coverage makeup weighs a lot on the skin, trapping in pollutants and bacteria creating a breeding ground for break outs. This is why its crucial that you clean your skin back to its naked state. Below you can find the video version of this blog post.

Step one:
Firstly we need to get the majority of the makeup off. The best way i've found to do this is to use a microfiber cloth. The microfiber cloth has a huge surface area which allows us to quickly remove the makeup using just warm water! I like to rub quite hard to make sure i get the entire top base layer off.

Step two:
This step is where the deep pore cleansing is done. This stage here allows us to penetrate deep into the pore and remove all the makeup, pollutants, sebum and dead skin that will of accumulated. The first time you use the Clinique Sonic you will be completely shocked that all that dirt was still inside your skin. When using the tool for removing makeup I like to let the tool do one and a half cycles or 3 minutes. You only need to gently press against the skin the vibration of the tool is what does the dirt removal not you actually brushing the skin. Now once you have done the 1.5 cycles I recommend you to wash the tool under the sink under the hottest temperature possible. This will completely kill all bacteria removed from your face and prolong the life of the head, dont worry, the tool is completely water proof. Now, I use some toilet roll to remove the foam left on my skin. I like to use toilet roll as its sanitary, disposable and is a lot less abrasive that a flannel or towel 

Step three:
I now go in with my favourite toner ever the L'oreal Fine Flowers rose and jasmine toner. This toner is for dry and sensitive skin meaning the alcohol content is significantly lower. This reduces the drying and cracking that is common from toners especially after a very deep clean with an exfoliation tool. I wet the inner part of a cotton pad, but not so that its soaked and then apply in circular motions. You must avoid the eye area because if the alcohol leaks into your eye you will be in significant pain. When i come to my nose and those weird fold bits that attack your nostrils to your face at the side of the nose i fold the cotton pad in half and really go to town on that area. This area is extremely common for developing blackheads and cysts simply because the dirt gets buried between the folds. Once ive done this I quickly go over the face with the same amount of product and then let my face air dry (the toner is alcohol based so this shouldnt take long).

Step four:
Finally I like to use a light but hydrating moisturiser. If you use a very heavy one such as a night cream then your pores will become clogged and this whole process will of been pointless. Apply the moisturiser quite generously, ensuring you apply extra product to the folds of the nostrils to ensure theyre hydrated after being exposed to all that alcohol.

Finally, sit back, relax and enjoy your clean flawless skin.


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