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Showing posts from October, 2020

How To Save For Your First House.

 Rising house prices, stagnating wages and the COVID-19 pandemic have created an economy making it seemingly impossible for first time buyers to get their foot through the proverbial door of the housing ladder. Owning a house can often seem like a pipe dream but with carefully planned budgeting and efficient use of savings its a possibility. In this blog post I will explain how to best save for the deposit on a house.  Step 1: Make a budget. You are about to make the most important, expensive purchase of your life (unless you plan on owning any lambos anytime soon) so you need to get an understanding of what you actually earn and what you actually spend, those coffees add up. Utilise a budget to properly understand how your money is been spent and the areas you can cut back to save more money. Remember, every pound saved is a pay rise.  Step 2: Stop relying on a savings account. I hear so many people holding their house deposit fund in a 0.1% savings account. DONT DO THIS...

Utilise The Stock Market To Grow Your Money.

 You might of heard the old adage 'money doesn't grow on trees' and it certainly doesn't (money is actually made out of cotton and linen) but money definitely does grow on the stock market. Now before your heart rate goes up and you click away, hear me out. We have all heard of that person who lost it all on the stock market and went from being a millionaire driving a Ferrari and owning yachts to shaking a cup for change but I can guarantee you that is a rarity and that person was certainly trading in a high risk product. We don't want to be shaking cups so lets be smart and play it safe.  All the stock markets of the world have shown growth averaged out over their lifespan. Yes, the 2008 financial crisis definitely created a dip and the Great Recession most certainly caused a significant dip but the markets always recover. The stock market is entirely controlled by the fundamental law of economics, supply and demand. When there is lots of people selling, the price ...