Being a student is a financial nightmare. Whether you have credit card debt, maintenance loans, working part time or living off of family support the chances are you are broke. In this article I will break down a few of the ways that you can save money as a student and start paying off debts are saving for a deposit. Tip #1: Paying yourself before your bills. The idea of paying yourself before bills is often touted as the best way to save money as it instantly shrinks your budget and prevents over spending. But what is paying yourself I hear you ask? Paying yourself means automatically taking a % of your money, whenever you receive it and sending it to a savings account. For most students, 10% is the most comfortable amount to automatically redirect to your savings but if you can afford more then more is better. If you cant afford 10% then try 5%, the effects of compound interest over the course of your degree will grow even that 5% to a nice chunk of change. Tip #2: Form a ...