Beginning a new blog series where I break down frugal living tips that accumulated can save you tens of thousands. As always, make sure to follow me on social media @DraggedO Frugal tip #1 Meal prep: Prepping meals saves you money in two major ways. Firstly, you don't waste food by it going bad in your fridge then you having to throw it away. This is quite literally throwing money in the bin and is not frugal at all. Secondly, you're not tempted to order takeout because you're too tired after a hard days work. You can also meal prep your work lunches and this will save you spending money everyday on overpriced meals. Frugal tip #2 Cancel premium tv: "Cut the cord" is a popular term in the frugal community and is even gaining mainstream use. The cost of watching premium TV channels averages out to be $99 a month. That's $1200 over a year and $12,000 over a decade. $12,000 is getting close to a mortgage deposit on a reasonable sized house. ...